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WATARASE Balloon Race 2015

Tochigi City

WATARASE Balloon Race 2015

Competition Standings

Grand Prix Standings:

2015 Hot Air Balloon Honda Grang Prix

Task Results

1 FIN Final Tracks Official 1
2 HWZ Final Tracks Official 1
3 PDG Final Tracks Official 1
4 FON Final Tracks Official 1
5 JDG Final Tracks Official 1
6 PDG Final Tracks Official 1

List of Competitors

Grand Prix Team Lists:

2015 Hot Air Balloon Honda Grang Prix

Competition Map

Flight Tracks

To view flight tracks, you must have a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) capable Internet browser. Some Internet browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) before V9, require a SVG "plug-in", while others, such as MSIE V9 and Mozilla Firefox (V4 +?), support SVG natively (no plug-in required). Plug-ins are available from Adobe, Corel, and other vendors.

I now use MSIE V9 and Moziall Firefox V5.0 during development. Occasionally I test against older versions of MSIE but no guarantees! I do not routinely test against other browsers - let me know if you would like me to try to support your favorite!

Please note that the display of flight tracks is "under development."

Tracks may not be displayed for all flights/tasks.

Tracks will display actual Flight Logger/GPS track data if it is available.

Garry Lockyer -

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