Suzuka Balloon Festival 2015

Competition Map Information

Map Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
Common Launch Points
Name Location Description
CLP 39890/61300

Prohibited Zones
Number Name Type Description
1 PZ1 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 37880/59320, with a radius of 150 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 700 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. cow PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 14:52.
2 PZ2 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 37100/59060, with a radius of 150 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 700 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. chicken PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 14:53.
4 PZ4 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 40860/54980, with a radius of 150 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 700 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. cow PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 14:54.
6 PZ6 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 36920/61320, with a radius of 400 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 700 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. cow pig PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 14:55.
7 PZ7 Red Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 39407/66177*-777, 39167/65864*-777, 39056/65934*-777, 38912/65970*-777, 39027/65879*-777, 39045/65815*-777, 39086/65676*-777, 39222/65378*-777, 39251/65378*-777, 39359/65516*-777, 39523/65366*-777, 39531/65345*-777, 39425/65110*-777, 39409/65063*-777, 39415/64979*-777, 39165/64987*-777, 38690/64997*-777, 38209/64892*-777, 38210/64853*-777, 38283/64804*-777, 38317/64754*-777, 38373/64725*-777, 38543/64418*-777, 38543/64389*-777, 38574/64351*-777, 38524/64295*-777, 38525/64219*-777, 38547/64152*-777, 38295/64038*-777, 38353/63878*-777, 38399/63878*-777, 38571/63470*-777, 38672/63485*-777, 38912/63345*-777, 39087/63017*-777, 39280/63092*-777, 39365/63081*-777, 39430/62997*-777, 39465/62909*-777, 39449/62858*-777, 39515/62677*-777, 39574/62737*-777, 39615/62776*-777, 39671/62773*-777, 39722/62744*-777, 39756/62749*-777, 39888/62962*-777, 39926/62963*-777, 39954/63040*-777, 39988/63057*-777, 40008/63091*-777, 39987/63125*-777, 39981/63188*-777, 39964/63209*-777, 40086/63245*-777, 40150/63242*-777, 40244/63205*-777, 40396/63225*-777, 40531/63227*-777, 40496/63277*-777, 40354/63419*-777, 40265/63468*-777, 40272/63570*-777, 40199/63620*-777, 40202/63704*-777, 40410/63890*-777, 40750/64111*-777, 40983/64373*-777, 40981/64729*-777, 41001/65034*-777, 40937/65067*-777, 40840/65099*-777, 40737/65186*-777, 40642/65265*-777, 40531/65314*-777, 40472/65326*-777, 40429/65368*-777, 40335/65379*-777, 40360/65434*-777, 40359/65468*-777, 39407/66177*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 700 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. chicken PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:02.
8 PZ8 Red Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 31960/51740, 32760/51740, 33960/50540, 33160/50540, 31960/51740. Minimum altitude ASL is 700 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. cow, pig, chicken PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:03.
9 PZ9 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 36600/62310, with a radius of 300 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 700 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. horse PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:07.
10 PZ10 Red Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 40096/60992*-777, 40092/60811*-777, 39959/60639*-777, 39819/60442*-777, 39735/60381*-777, 39515/60369*-777, 39432/60241*-777, 39239/60153*-777, 39223/60111*-777, 39155/60110*-777, 39105/60028*-777, 39057/59905*-777, 38902/59784*-777, 38789/59680*-777, 38736/59544*-777, 38705/59361*-777, 38930/59357*-777, 38957/58735*-777, 38724/58765*-777, 38738/58663*-777, 38717/58642*-777, 38771/58473*-777, 38765/58321*-777, 38826/58224*-777, 38793/58127*-777, 38929/58129*-777, 39005/58160*-777, 39084/58241*-777, 39323/58334*-777, 39437/58353*-777, 39577/58368*-777, 39686/58403*-777, 39893/58483*-777, 40073/58566*-777, 40190/58653*-777, 40399/58567*-777, 40448/58725*-777, 40511/58705*-777, 40664/58690*-777, 40855/58697*-777, 41005/58823*-777, 41124/58799*-777, 41416/58791*-777, 41461/59126*-777, 41501/59572*-777, 41524/60220*-777, 44907/60494*-777, 44753/61398*-777, 44740/61635*-777, 44781/61746*-777, 44595/61751*-777, 44566/61912*-777, 44779/62097*-777, 44824/62250*-777, 44351/62378*-777, 44242/62050*-777, 44252/61991*-777, 44203/61868*-777, 44209/61762*-777, 44192/61507*-777, 44086/61252*-777, 43924/61304*-777, 43873/61303*-777, 43849/61240*-777, 43506/61242*-777, 43256/61281*-777, 43053/61269*-777, 42891/61338*-777, 42609/61465*-777, 42619/61402*-777, 42302/61350*-777, 42292/61172*-777, 42252/61036*-777, 41972/61036*-777, 41551/60923*-777, 41292/60978*-777, 41274/61054*-777, 41184/61103*-777, 40913/61091*-777, 40675/61133*-777, 40664/61070*-777, 40600/61077*-777, 40577/60933*-777, 40356/60988*-777, 40096/60992*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Suzuka city PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:08.
11 PZ11 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 38600/57470, with a radius of 300 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. landowner PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:08.
16 PZ16 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 41870/59380, with a radius of 200 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. landowner PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:09.
112 PZ12 Yellow Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 41850/63560, with a radius of 200 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. landowner PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:14.
113 PZ13 Yellow Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 34220/56850, with a radius of 200 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. landowner PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:15.
114 PZ14 Yellow Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 44500/57800, with a radius of 200 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. factory PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:15.
115 PZ15 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 41569/55660*-777, 41783/55478*-777, 41908/55331*-777, 42179/55120*-777, 42308/54978*-777, 42289/54863*-777, 42149/54565*-777, 41984/54596*-777, 41869/54632*-777, 41762/54669*-777, 41703/54655*-777, 41644/54667*-777, 41601/54704*-777, 41584/54738*-777, 41550/54741*-777, 41524/54775*-777, 41320/54776*-777, 41278/54792*-777, 41181/54786*-777, 41418/55523*-777, 41504/55490*-777, 41560/55660*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Tokuda-cho PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:16.
201 Blue PZ1 Blue Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 30012/72719*-777, 52198/66260*-777, 52226/65816*-777, 50990/63700*-777, 29372/69110*-777, 30012/72698*-777. Maximum altitude ASL is 2000 feet. PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 17:31.
202 Blue PZ2 Blue Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 29401/69118*-777, 47503/64565*-777, 40799/50315*-777, 40766/37748*-777, 24749/37758*-777, 29401/69118*-777. Maximum altitude ASL is 4000 feet. PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 17:32.
203 Blue PZ3 Blue Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 47503/64565*-777, 50968/63690*-777, 40758/37744*-777, 40803/50319*-777, 47512/64566*-777. Maximum altitude ASL is 2000 feet. PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 17:32.
401 OFB1 Out of Bounds Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 52084/74299*-777, 52206/66247*-777, 30025/72724*-777, 29397/69123*-777, 24646/37309*-777, 23681/37285*-777, 23197/73876*-777, 52084/74315*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:20.
402 OFB2 Out of Bounds Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 52226/65795*-777, 52682/37730*-777, 23685/37306*-777, 23678/37772*-777, 24736/37789*-777, 40763/37750*-777, 50990/63700*-777, 52205/65794*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. PZ was added on Friday, November 20 2015 at 15:20.